From October 2021, the two building blocks in Hufelandstraße are to be extended by one storey each. 50 new residential places are to be created in 46 single apartments and two 2-room apartments. In addition, the existing building is to be renovated for energy efficiency and the heating system is to be renewed. Completion is planned for the winter semester of 2022.
Since April 2021, the Dorotheenstraße 5 A residential building, built in 1965, has been undergoing energy refurbishment. In the course of this, the floor plans will also be adapted and the technical utilities renewed. The classic corridor house with single rooms, shared kitchens and shared bathrooms will be transformed into a residential building with shared flats, single apartments and also wheelchair-accessible apartments. Completion is planned for the summer semester of 2022.
In April 2021, we started with the renovation of the first construction phase in the residential building at Callinstraße 25. In addition to the renewal of the drinking water network, the bathrooms will be completely renovated, the floor coverings and wall paints will be renewed and the shared flats will be equipped with new kitchens and furniture. In addition, the building, which was built in 1994, will be given a fresh coat of paint in the summer.
After the start of the new building in March 2019, the first students were able to move into the new student dormitory "Haus am Berggarten" on time for the winter semester 2020/2021 after a construction period of one and a half years. The first two parts of the building were already completed in October 2020. In December, the remaining two buildings followed and the last students were able to move into their new home for the duration of their studies. The residence building offers 184 places in single apartments and single rooms in 2-person shared flats, 3-person shared flats and 4-person shared flats.
The construction of the dormitory was made possible by funding from the state of Lower Saxony in the form of an interest-free loan of 13.8 million euros and a grant of 4.2 million euros, and by Leibniz University, which provided the Studentenwerk with the 4,500 square meter property on Haltenhoffstraße.
Under normal circumstances, we celebrate the occupation of a new residence building with a welcome party with the new tenants. Since that was not possible due to the Corona pandemic, we sent Santa Claus over with small gifts on December 7, 2020.
On December 16, 2020 we had a visit from our supporters. The Minister of Culture of Lower Saxony, Björn Thümler and the President of Leibniz University Hannover, visited the new residential building together with our Managing Director, Michael Knüppel, in accordance with Corona.
In October 2019, we began the renovation of our Heidjerhof residence. The 50-year-old student residence now consists of single rooms in corridor communities, single apartments, 3-person shared apartments, 4-person shared apartments and a 5-person shared apartment.
On October 1, 2020, the Heidjerhof residence could be occupied.
In spring 2018, construction began on the International Quarter (IQ) on Dorotheenstraße - with the demolition of the old Karmarschhaus.
The IQ has replaced the two-story Karmarschhaus and additionally created new living space for students. The new building has five floors. On the ground floor there is a large hall for events with up to 200 m². On the upper floors 68 apartments have been created.
The International Quarter was ready for occupancy on 1 October.
In May 2016, demolition of the old building in Wilhelm-Busch-Straße began. Thanks to the financial support of the Rut- und Klaus-Bahlsen-Stiftung in the amount of 2.3 million euros and the funding from the Hannover Region, significantly more and more modern residential house places could be created in Wilhelm-Busch-Straße.
After the building application was approved by the state capital of Hanover in August 2016, the first structural work could begin. The old building was replaced by a 3 1/2-storey building. The existing building was energetically renovated and modernised. In addition, a 3-storey extension was added in the courtyard. Thus, 70 new dormitory places have been created. On October 2, 2017, the first students were able to move in. We celebrated the official opening of the student residence on 10 November 2017.
In December 2014, construction work started on our residential buildings Am Georgengarten. There, two smaller buildings from 1952, which could not be preserved for structural reasons, first had to be demolished. After the demolition, there was space for a significantly larger new dormitory building with 80 additional dormitory places.
The two large dormitories of the former Lodyweg residence hall remained and were extensively renovated and partially remodeled in 2015 to meet today's student housing requirements.
On 15 July 2016, the time had come: the first students were able to move into their new rooms. For the winter semester 2016/2017, the renovation and new construction was completed and all rooms could be occupied.